Vishlesan I-Hub Foundation- Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Idea is Enterprise
Our Placement Partners
IOACML Commencement Date: Sat, Jan 28,2023 (Day1)
Time : will be sent directly to students
Skill & Human Resource Development
One of the objectives of the proposed TIH is to nurture and scale up high-end researchers' base, Human Resource Development (HRD) and skill-sets in the emerging areas of “Speech, Video and Text Analytics”. TIH will aim to enhance core competencies, capacity building and training to nurture innovation and start-up ecosystems to create the world-class multi-disciplinary Technology Innovation Hub in “Speech, Video and Text Analytics”, which will serve as the focal point for technology inputs for the industry and policy advice for the government in the allied disciplines. Government and Industry R&D labs will be engaged as partners in the proposed TIH. Private participation to encourage professional execution and management of pilot scale research projects will be incentivised.
The proposed programme aims at providing the state-of-the-art training and capacity building for creation of next-generation technocrats, engineers and scientists in the areas of “Speech, Video and Text Analytics”. It will address various segments of the education system like graduates, postgraduates, Doctoral, post-doctoral, skilled, and semi-skilled segments. IIT PATNA VISHLESAN I-HUB FOUNDATION aims at addressing most of the HRD issues in a holistic manner preparing the country for the next technology revolution.
Industry oriented Program I Real time data analytics I Industrial Trainers I 100% Placement Support I 50 credits I 24 weeks
Course Title: Industry Oriented Advanced Certification in Machine Learning
Python for Artificial Intelligence
Python for Data Science and Analytics
Python for Machine learning
Python for NLP and Web Scraping
Python for Deep Learning and Neural Network

About Course
This comprehensive course is designed to skill up the participants through a series of short theoretical lectures that are followed by hands-on projects. This course will deal with extracting meaningful insights from a huge set of labeled or unlabelled data through the process of Data cleaning, analysis and pre-processing.
The participants will learn about the packages, syntax and commands of Python with specific applications to the art of AI,ML and Data Sciences.
The audience will learn about various Machine Learning advances based out of data science such as — Supervised and Unsupervised Learning and their real time applications.

Who can Participate?
Students: Engineering Graduates, Engineering Post Graduates
Science Graduates( mathematics upto class XII)
BCA, MCA, B.Sc. (IT)
Working professional in IT industry
Faculty of IT, CSE, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and related fields.
Course Contents
Course Registration Form
Fee: 35,400 INR
Name of the Beneficiary: IIT Patna Vishlesan I-HUB Foundation
Account Number: 39579970437
IFSC Code: SBIN0017164
Branch Code: 17164
Thanks for contacting us
* Fees is non-refundable
Process Flow of the Course